Many religious folk like to support shows like Duck Dynasty and give their reasons to be that hunting is God's way and more humane than the way we cage animals today. This is my opinion on the matter.
Promoting hunting and popularizing it will only make the use of guns more popular, causing many more gun problems. More accidental shootings, people not knowing how to use a gun properly and having more guns in the house causing not only hunting accidents, but home accidents as well.
Further in hunting many people will not be responsible. People will hunt for fun, hunt animals into endangerment, and hunt illegally, and hunt babies. People do that now, this will only make the statistics higher.
Solving the FDA problems and animal care problems of our food industry, I feel, is not in promoting hunting shows on television.
Yes, hunting when done responsibly is more humane than the conditions we have now. And if a family wanted to teach their children how to hunt responsibly I think that may be a fine thing. But a television show is a different thing altogether.
It is different because anyone can watch it and not necessarily learn the facts of responsibility. It is different because you don’t necessarily have a mentor like a father teaching you properly (if he even would). It is different because it popularizes an idea and doesn’t take into account other factors. Young people are easily influenced and I’m hesitate about anything mass promoting something on television and anything with tons of money behind it (because power and greed and corruption always follows), and large corporations and governments.
We also all don’t hunt now. Many people won’t even be able to hunt, having to travel far to get to places where it would even be legal. This leaves many areas, many people who will still rely on meat bought at stores and fast foods even if once and awhile. Meats bought at markets and at fast food places and restaurants won’t stop even if hunting becomes popular. Bought Meat won’t stop.
The problem that has to be solved is the ill treatment of animals on farms, in captivity. To honor the life of every living thing, to have respect for every living thing.
To have more shows on caring about animals, on animal abilities, their lives, and how they learn and live would develop a sense of compassion and concern for all living things.
We don’t learn a sense of this by teaching people it is God’s will that animals are here for us to kill and eat. Biblically, that is not even correct. Biblically speaking God created paradise where Adam and Eve would eat as vegetarians, and it wasn’t until after the fall where people started eating meat. Just because people do it in the Old Testament or New Testament doesn’t make it right. People also divorced in the Old Testament where God said he did not like that, but he condoned it because people were hard.
This does not mean this is God’s preference.
Further, animals are not here for our purposes only. The Bible says that if we did not worship, even the rocks would cry out. So everything is a testament to God. Even animals. They are for God, not for us.
To rule over the animals, does not mean to kill them.
The problem even is not because of the farms that hold the animals. Even as you had said, the reason is the pressure the GOVERNMENT puts on farms. So, they fall by the pressure.
How would hunting be governed? How would areas be legal and illegal? How would everyone keep tabs on what is killed and how? Again, the government would have to be involved in mandates and laws.
So, we are back to the same problem. The government and the people’s lack of sense when it comes to animals.
PETA is an organization that promotes the care of animals. To teach to love our fellow animals. They are very much like us in many ways. The problem is not PETA fighting against shows that promote the slaughter of animals. (Which many children watch and then only develop as sense of all the animals are there to serve me).
The problem is in people needing to fight the government or farms into providing good care for our animals. To refuse to buy from farms that don’t care about the animals OR to refuse to buy meat altogether.
There would not be a problem if farms allowed the animals to roam freely and feed them properly and took proper care of them. Avoided biological or chemical engineered products. Their lives would then be honored.
If people did not hunt, you had said animals would increase in numbers. I also wanted to address this. Firstly, people are numbered 7 billion. 7 Billion. Think about that number. You has said, many people get sick and die. Millions from cancer. Yes. And we still have 7 billion.
Let us compare that to how many animals die.
50,000 Bonobos. 200,000 Chimpanzees. At least 4,000 Chimpanzees are killed for their meat every year. 48% of primates are in danger of going extinct. Gorillas and Orangutans are decreasing in number rapidly.
Big cats are endangered. Lions, Tigers, Leopards, Cheetahs and others may go extinct in the next twenty years. They rare hunted for their bone remedies and meats.
Huge numbers of bird species are becoming extinct because hunting has become a popular sport for fun and food in the Asian continents.
I could go on and on and on about how other animals, besides humans, are decreasing in number while humans are increasing rapidly.
Humans are not only the LARGEST group of animals alive, even if you eliminate half of our numbers, we would still be the largest number group alive.
Let us compare 7 billion with 50,000 Bonobos. This is the sad reality. Just think about those numbers.
Further, we are taking up so much space, and causing so much pollution…pushing and pushing more and more animals off land that belongs to them too that this is also causing endangerment issues for many animals.
Further, if people did not hunt, animals would not take over the world because nature has a way of balancing things. Humans are the ones who throw everything out of order. Top predators would still eat the lower predators and herbivores. If there were more chickens roaming, more wolves and more smaller and big cats would have more food. They would keep the chicken population down by themselves even without our help. As top predator numbers increase, they then fight and kill each other off for the food that is available. Nature works fine on its own.
The problem comes up because we kill the cats and wolves and then we over-populate the chickens to feed our over-population of people. We made the mess. Not nature, and not God. Nature can take care of itself just fine. It always does without us. It is when we step in when things become a mess.
I cannot agree with some of your premises as an animal lover and even Biblically speaking and scientifically speaking, though I think you brought up some valid points which are very good, and on those single points I think I can agree.
Such as the FDA sucks.
Such as the government should not be using chemicals or GEO in food.
Such that farms should be taking good care of animals.
Such that hunting is a better alternative when done responsibly in comparison to the way the government runs animal food now. (But the solution to me is more complicated because to me the situation is much more complicated, and while I can agree on an individual level that this may be a better solution, I can't agree that on the mass scale or promoted on television that this would be a good solution and in fact would cause many more problems).
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