But whether we say the QF is eternal or the MV is eternal or the GF is eternal, it seems all would have originally had to have come from nothing.
The Gravity Field is what happens when Quantum Mechanics is applied to Space-Time. (So, I'm told). It warps. This just shows us that Space-Time is in fact gravity- that they are connected. I already agree to this. But if one is saying that Space-Time is in fact eternal, in the form of a gravity field, I'd have to ask where these virtual particles are coming from still. Oh, yeah, nothing. So, we still have an eternal nothingness. Also- I'd have to wonder how Space-Time can be eternal when Big Bang shows us it is not and that it had a beginning.
The only way science is getting around this is if they can tear down Big Bang theory and in its place have a strong theory of the universe Space-Time and its eternal quality. Only then could we say that something is truly eternal. But still, all that "stuff" is still coming out of virtual particles from nothingness.
So, the energy of nothing is much more than the energy of something.
Nothing takes a lot of work! Because it takes so much work and so much energy, I have to wonder where all this energy is coming from? If absolute nothingness can exist prior to big bang, that makes me think the energy source would have to be infinite. One, because without space time the energy density becomes infinite, but also by what we see of the energy of empty space.
Gravity exists wherever there is Space-Time, I think.
Space-Time has dark energy and gravity. It is a dual package.
As things slowed and cooled more, the particles condensed more and began to follow the forces. ---this is the division of light from darkness, Genesis 1
How does nothingness exist at all? it seems it would require far more energy and work then existence of something itself?
Where did Gravity come from? I think from the appearance of Space-Time itself.
When did it come? With Space-Time and can act on just one particle I think.
How did Higgs form? During Inflation...other fields may have evolved as particles multiplied and acted on each other.
Could fundamental particles have come from virtual particles? I think so.
The 3 forces existed as one when two particles appeared. I think the forces evolved from the interaction of the particles on the Gravity and Higgs field. Then this evolution branched as more fields formed and more force carrier particles formed.
From Genesis:
Then...the earth was unformed and void, darkness was on the surface of the deep...and the spirit of God hovered over the surface of the abyss. The God Said, Let there be light." And there was light. God saw that the light was good and he divided the light from the darkness...
From Kabbalist Lucia: (500 years or more prior to modern science)
"The world, according to Lurianic Kabbalah, is not so much a something which has been created from nothing, but rather a genre of nothingness resulting from a contraction or concealment of the only true reality, which is God."
It is truly amazing these ideas were close to 500 years ago as recored, probably older verbally, because we see in modern science that there are aspect of energy that is unseen and this is a reality of nature itself!
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