Most of what I write about is a combination of both the natural world and the spiritual world and while I agree with most of modern science to date, I do think there is also a spiritual layer to reality.

Sift through the PAGES and POSTS for more interesting information guaranteed to make you think and question.


#1 Nothing is No Information

#2 Something is Some Information

#3 NoThing is Infinite/Unlimited information

Be careful how you understand NOTHING to be and how the word is used when you read my pages and articles on the web. I hold that the true vacuum energy of our universe and of in fact everything is from NOTHING of Infinite Information, is dynamic, and full --not empty, stagnate, and of zero information.

All the information collected from this process of existence and life is also retained inside of the Nothing. Who knows how many times existence and life have happened. I don't think information is lost or destroyed, and I don't think it returns into a zero-information kind of nothing.

Both understandings of nothing look very similar. They are both undefinable, unquantifiable, immeasurable...but they are opposites. The difference between zero and infinity.

FYI: There is One thing all of life wants, even human life and that is the effects of LOVE.



Nothing- Nothing and everything are but different forms of the same.

Nothing- Nothing and everything are but different forms of the same.
Nothing is everything, but everything is not nothing.

From Spirit to Nature

From Spirit to Nature

The ONENESS of it all

Below is all about ONE;)

What appeals to me most about this quote is that it was written in 1287. Moses De Leon (who also wrote the Zohar) wrote this, along with some other interesting words.  Stay with me...

"God is unified Oneness. One without two, inestimable. Genuine divine essence engenders the existence of all of creation. The sublime, inner essences secretly constitute a chain linking everything from the highest to the lowest, extending from the upper pool to the edge of the universe. There is nothing-not even the finest thing-that is not fastened to the links of this chain. Everything is linked in its mystery, caught in its oneness. God is one, God's secret is one, all the worlds below and above are mysteriously one. Divine existence is indivisible. The entire chain is one. Down to the last link, everything linked with everything else, so divine essence is below as wells above, in heaven and on Earth. There is nothing else."

He also said, "Everything is mysteriously one and there is nothing not connected to this chain."

What is more interesting is that everything in modern day science is more and more pointing to that exact point, that everything is really one.

When we examine the biggest -Biology, we see evolution shows us everything is one, down to the finest creature, even on the microscopic scale...linked, and there is nothing that is not linked, not related.

When we examine something smaller- Physics, we find that everything is also made up of the same stuff, all linked, from living to non-living. We are all connected through the matter that makes up our physical forms.

When we examine the smallest-Quantum Physics, we find physicists saying very similar things.

"The whole is in every part." 

You would think that the whole would be made up of parts and a part can be taken out of the whole, but it doesn't work like that in nature. In every part Is the Whole. You can't break it up into smaller parts. It is more like a web. 

"Quantum physics thus reveals a basic oneness of the universe." -Erwin Shrodinger (I think his cat agrees.)

"Quantum physics thus...shows us that we cannot decompose the world into independently existing smallest units. As we penetrate into matter, nature does not show us any isolated "building blocks" but rather appears as a complicated web of relations between various parts of the whole." -Fritjof Copra

"The universe begins to look more like a great thought than a great machine." -Sir James Jeans

When we even look at Time, one of our greatest scientific minds namely Einstein tells us that that the past, present, and future are all one. "Time separation between past, present, and future is only an illusion , although a convincing one."

Many physicists are embracing a once ridiculed notion of timelessness.

In Literature we can find John Steinbeck telling us..."all things are one thing and that one thing is all things. Plankton, a shimmering phosphorescence on the sea and the spinning planets and an expanding universe, all bound together by the elastic string of time."

In Music of course we have Bono. "We are One, but we're not the same. We get to carry each other, carry each other. One love. ;)  

So, then that only leaves consciousness... and as scientists try to unravel the mysteries of consciousness I bet they may very well come to the same conclusions. It is one. 

And maybe that is why Schrodinger's Cat and other quantum experiments like the double slit lead us to contemplate whether our observation really does effect the outcome of the observation itself. But how is where we stumble up.

If consciousness is really one as well, entangled with everything else like a web, just like everything else is a web...then simply observing would effect the outcome of the observation...because consciousness, though an immaterial thing, would be pulling on one of those strings inside the web--changing it.  

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What is God?

For myself, I view God as a Spirit. An infinite, illimitable, eternal Spirit. What is a Spirit? For myself, I view a Spirit as the most fundamental form, most simple form of energy.

I think to call the Spirit/God as intelligent or conscious, restricts and limits our own understanding of it. This is because we view life and nature through our own intelligence and consciousness. Ours evolved naturally from simple to complex and is restricted by body/space/time.

A God would not have these limits, would not have evolved and would not be complex. Therefore its "intelligence" and "conscious" would be nothing like we understand.

God is not a consciousness inside a brain or an intelligence inside a brain or even a mind inside a brain. Though a mind might be the closest we can think of it. God would exist outside of space and time and inside of it; therefore, its "consciousness" would encompass past-present-future and even before time. Its intelligence could be much like a mathematical genius quantum computer. Perhaps an Awakened Energy-Spirit- would be a better definition.

There are two kinds of energy in my view. Spiritual and Physical. When we understand virtual particles and fundamental particles better, I think we come closer to understanding what Spiritual Energy can do as well.

Spiritual Energy >>Withdrawal>>Space Forms>>Physical Energy Emerges>>Fields> Virtual Particles> Forces>Fundamental Particles>Everything Physical Forms.

Science examines the natural/the physical, not the spiritual.

I agree with everything from science, except when biologists (not mathematicians) use words like purposeless, without guide, directionless, without goals.

I agree with mathematicians assessment of randomness.

The reason is because in biology, we are talking about things without a consciousness -processes and mechanisms are non living things and can't have a purpose in the sense that they are using the word. They don't have a consciousness. They are not aware.

We are examining processes and mechanisms, but what is this substance (energy) that these processes and mechanisms are using. From where does this substance (energy) come?

Those are essentially the questions at the crust of the real inquiry into what is reality.

Simply because the process or mechanism is not conscious itself, does not mean they were not structured deliberately or without intent or thought, or that a spiritual energy does not exist.

This simply means that physical things and processes and mechanisms without a consciousness don't have a conscious purpose/goal.

Well, Duh.

So, I agree biological evolution doesn't have a conscious purpose/goal in and of itself -because we are examining only the physical Things, the physical processes and physical mechanisms.

This says nothing about the spiritual significance.

However, they do have a natural purpose/goal.

All energy persists toward entropy =Death.
All life persists to survival =Life

Further, all energy follows a pattern from simple>complex, chaos>order, from heterogenous>homogenous, from random>non random, from death>life>death.

These patterns are reflected in our natural laws.

So, all of energy does follow a guide or a direction. It is the direction or reflection of the natural laws.

is Nothing all there is?

Science seems to be going in the direction that true nothingness does not exist. This is because whenever you find nothing, you find virtual particles.

I would have to agree not just with the science, but with that concept in my view of life and reality.

Nothing does not exist, because whenever you find nothing--you actually find everything just in its most simple and fundamental form. Nothing is NoThing, not the non-existence of everything.

The most simple and fundamental form of reality is NoThing and this is why this happens in my opinion.

The real question for me is, how much of life experience and memories is retained in this simple fundamental form that makes up our universe and our everything?

How is it retained?

We can see cells seem to have a sense of memory and experience, but do virtual particles too?

Do all our memories and life experiences retain themselves in some fundamental form of energy?

Could what we call the soul or spirit be an echo of nature itself?

It does seem that virtual particles have to behave certain ways. It pops as a gluon only to become a photon or such...because it seemingly has to conform to the existence it pops into. Some virtual particles might pop into our existence as anti-quarks, but most have to conform and so we see the photon it is supposed to be.

Why do virtual particles conform? What rules are they following? It seems they are somehow aware of what is around them if they are conforming. (Not to imply this awareness has to be conscious.)