For myself, and I could be wrong, but I don't see gravity the same way as the other 3 forces. Its a force, but it is different.
Dark energy is at one end and Curvature of space (gravity) is at the other. Both doing like opposite things. One is pushing and the other is pulling. One is positive. The other is negative. Gravity seems to bring things into visibility, into location. But dark energy does the opposite, it keeps things in the dark, into the very unseen levels of what may not be a location (or uncertainty principle of location).
It seems to me that the other 3 forces come out of this dark energy only because there is now a location (space) for them to exist. Then the particles act accordingly and we call these the natural laws, but this is just our view of what nature is doing, how it must behave.
But really gravity is not bound by the dark energy -empty space- and exists outside of it because it is curvature on space itself.
What seems to stump everyone are these things:
Gravity-what is it, from where, why won't unify and why weaker.
Cosmological Constant Problem --Dark energy problem--because it is much weaker than maths show it should be and our universe is not accelerating as fast as it should if the dark energy were as much as the maths showed.
So, the fact that these two problems seems similar, they are both weaker than what we might expect. And because they both are mysteries to some degrees, makes me think they are in an opposite relationship...and they both would exist in other universes. Because if other universes existed, they would both have to have SPACE curvature -gravity- of some kind whether it be 1-10 dimensions, and they would have empty space.
It seems like the 2 properties are curvature and emptiness of space.
So, it seems...if other universes did exist there would in fact be seepage of both dark energy and gravity into them and this is why they are much less than we would expect.
Of course I have no maths to support this, this is just an idea that seems to make sense, but if we could apply maths to it I wonder if maths could show that if other universes existed "such and such amount of dark energy would be absent from our universe" and in fact that is how much energy is missing and so we know "x" amount of energy is in other universes.
Also- notable is that I've heard it said a lot on physicist videos that dark energy is just predicted to be way to much than what we show in reality and that one explanation is that there is a negative Higgs field which cancels out a lot of this energy which is why it isn't there. But another reason, it seems to me is that Dark Energy is not as much in reality as in predication, because like gravity, it could simply diffuse into other universes.
The reason I think this is because if it takes Empty Space + Higgs + Gravity to make a universe, then naturally if others exist, those ingredients would be there!
However, I'm not sure if what is predicted of dark energy in our universe has to be accounted for in our universe only.
But maybe this dark energy "leaks"into other universe through worm holes or something.
Another explanation I thought of was that maybe Dark Energy changes in power. So it isn't as strong now as we would have thought? That maybe the act of expansion itself takes some of its energy away?
I then read some papers and there seems to be a Dynamic Dark Energy idea similar to that.
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