But then what is it in reality? If reality is not contingent on space or time, then didn't it happened at both places first? Isn't first then an irrelevant question, because it only exists to entities which experience time constraints, that are bound by our space-time, that can consciously observe it?
What if reality is not bound by this time? What if, like Einstein said, time is all one in past, present and future. Then, it is really just a matter of the baseball existing. It existed in both places first and last. If reality can be rewound as physics suggests, then what happened first in a sense happened last and what happened last would have happened first.
However, if space is also a constraint, then couldn't we say the baseball didn't exist at the beginning of the street or at the grabber's hand, but at both places at the same time and every space in between, so in a sense it was neither here nor there. It existed and did not exist at the same time.
When we consider black holes...as Bob watches Sally fall into the black hole, Sally becomes torn apart and dies. But Sally continues to fall through never reaching the event horizon. So, she is both alive and dead at the same "time." She is alive in her perspective and dead in Bob's. She is both there and not there.
I wonder if Shrodinger's cat has something to say?
SpaceTime is a very strange thing indeed.
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