Actually, I think our brains are an exact reflection of nature itself. We often hear "Is it a coincidence that maths can represent nature and our own brains are capable of maths too?"
But all the skills our brains can do can be found in nature.
We have spacial skills/intelligence, and there is space in nature to perceive.
We have kinesthetic skills and all of nature moves its particles, chemistry, biology.
We have musical skills and nature is made of all kinds of sounds and patterns of sounds to perceive.
We have linguistic skills and nature is made up of all kinds of communication. Two hearts put next to each other will start beating in sync. Electrons perhaps communicate instantly with each other across the universe according to some studies. Even bacteria communicate.
It seems to me that on every level of nature: Quantum, Physical, Chemistry, and Biology we can find all the skills that we find in our brains as well.
Our brains are even wired for random vs nonrandom patterns. People say creative vs logical, but that is not true. Recent studies show both sides of the brain can do both...but it is How the information is organized or coming into our brains.
So, is it any wonder that in nature we find both random and non random processes.
We have interpersonal skills, and all of nature has relationships. Gravity is the relationship of two massive bodies. ting works because of its relationship to another thing.
We have interpersonal skills, knowing oneself, and all of nature seems to want to duplicate itself. From DNA and even to physical things. I mean why do we have lots of water molecules, why not just one. Conformity seems important to nature. Even virtual particles (from my reading) seem to pop in and conform in a sense, because if they don't they can't remain.
It makes sense that our brains would reflect nature since they came out of in understanding our own minds and consciousness I think we will understand more about nature too.
So, then what of consciousness....I would like to see more studies in science actually.
But one more thing, If our brains came from nature and are a part of nature, and our brains have consciousness...then nature in a sense is conscious -or at least a part of it, because it is a product of nature and is nature itself.
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