This is interesting, because I agree with much of what he says, but then I'm not sure how he is concluding because of Higgs, that means everything is an accident. We don't know.
We don't really know if there is something on the other side of big bang and time pulling the strings. If how this entity works is through randomness and accidents or intentional accidents or hands-off.
But let us say for the sake of argument that it is accidental...that doesn't mean it is not purposeful.
We think of things in terms of intentions because our minds work that way, our space-time physical forms are trained that way.
But what if accidents are purposeful?
Eventually something will come from the nothing, and given enough time there will be life and eventually life that will have a higher intellect which can draw meaning.
Eventually there will be meaning from every accident and from every accident something will happen. Sometimes this something survives and sometimes not.
Whatever path we choose will also derive meaning.
So, even if everything we know is accidental (as we define intent) so what? Meaning is still inevitable. And if time is an illusion and not linear, if reality is past-present-future as one. If reality is really such that everything is one....then the ending is the beginning...the beginning the ending. The meaning was from the beginning too.
And this says nothing of how spiritual energy works. Perhaps the spirit doesn't have intentions, but simply is.
And what about Nothing? Was it accidental? Did it always exist?
We really had two options for most people: It all came from nothing or something eternal. For myself, I always saw a third option of an eternal nothingness.
This is what I think best describes from where it all came.
But then what is nothingness? Does it retain any order? Any information? Does it have mass? I think we have established yes in QP, right. Does it retain conscious energy? What kind of energy is it?
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